Who do you really want to be?
Have you ever thought about who you will be in the future?
You can become exactly what you want to be.
Successful people know where they are going and have a plan to get there. Either knowingly or unknowingly they have mapped out their future. Most begin by creating an imaginary vision of who they will become. In other words, they begin with the end.
Discover Your Future Self by Broadening Your Concept of Time
Many people have a natural view and concept of time. They view their life by what sensory perception reveals in the here and now.
When you begin to take a broader approach to time, you are better prepared to succeed. A natural concept of time doesn’t allow you to look backward and forward on your life’s timeline. However, when you remove the constraints of provable fact and allow your imagination to build an image of the future based on faith, you can map out a plan that will lead to the success you desire.
Life can be viewed as a timeline. At any moment in life, you are at a position on that timeline. Looking back in time, you can see the road that led you to where you are in life right now. That road is paved with choices that you made each day. Those choices became your experience in life. Hopefully, your experience has led you to a great place. However, if you feel that you are not yet where you want to be, it could be because your view is limited.
Use an Unlimited View to Become Your Future Self
Successful people have an unlimited view. They don’t limit themselves by focusing on their current situation. They can develop a concept of themselves that is not yet provable by natural laws of perception. For instance, they may conceive themselves as wealthy even though they do not yet have much money.
This ability to visualize yourself in its fully manifested desired state of being is how you begin to discover your future self. Our mind works on images. When you create an image of a desired state of being, your mind will lead you towards the manifestation.
Imagine Your Future Self
Discover your future self by looking ahead five or ten years and see who you will be in the future. Do this by finding a quiet place. Lie down and remove all the problems that are happening now and focus your full attention on the future. Paint a clear mental image of who you really want to be. Continue this exercise daily until you have a clear image.
Now that you know what you want to be, use the same technique to begin creating a mental moving picture of how you will act when you become this person. Once your mind has run through these exercises many times, you will begin to believe that this is your future. Your belief will strengthen until you know for sure that you are this person that you have created in the mind.
Don’t worry about the fact that you don’t currently have the things that this imaginary person has. Just convince yourself that you are this new person. Once you are totally convinced, you will begin to see things take place in your experience that will lead you to your destination.
It’s not too late to begin shaping your future. Use your imagination to see the future you. Define this new you with detail. In imagination move forward in time and see yourself on the timeline five years out in the future. Once you are there, look back and see the road that led you there. It is the road that you will get on now to eventually meet your future self, face to face.
Thank you!!1